The Trumpian Renaissance


There is now a way forward that does not involve a deep breakdown. This path, while less than perfect, is something we need to recognize and use.

I’ve had notes on this subject for some time but never expected to use them. Recently, however, I’ve had to accept that a surprise opportunity is underway.

I haven’t been a cheerleader for Mr. Trump and I don’t even endorse politics. More than that, I don’t think Mr. Trump planned all of this and made it happen. (If I had to pick a cause, I’d have to go with Providence.) Nonetheless, Mr. Trump stands at the center of this and has paid a great price for it. Credit where due.

This report defines the pieces which have come together and the vision that is driving it. It explains why the process is not only plausible but well underway, and covers the things that could threaten it.



What’s In the report:

Forward: Once In A While, Things Go Right
Why I Call This A Trumpian Renaissance 			  

The Pieces of The Renaissance					  - The Collapse of The Aristocracy’s Legitimacy			  - The Breakup of The Aristocratic Infrastructure			  - The Breakup of The Tyrant Support Class			  - Ending Direct Taxation							  - Unchaining Businessmen						  - The Return of Production						- Disempowering Monopolists						- The Return of Purpose							

The Vision	
- Faith In The Process							- What Could Derail This							- The Vision, Part 2							- Big Picture Items								

How We Profit From This							- Personal Strategies							- Manufacturing								- Stocks									

Looking Ahead									- The Wider World								- Last Thoughts								

Appendix 1: The Greatness of Western Civilization 		

Appendix 2: What The American Founders Actually Said