The Insider’s Guide to the Bitcoin Phenomenon
Special Offer
Yes! I’m ready to enjoy the benefits of this revolutionary technology. Specifically, I’ll discover:
- Why Bitcoin isn’t truly anonymous unless I follow these simple steps…
- The four things I need to use Bitcoin
- The 3 kinds of “wallets” and how to choose the right one
- Your recommended wallets for my smartphone and desktop computer
- How and where to get bitcoins anonymously
- How to spend bitcoins anonymously
- How to protect my stash from theft or loss
- Bonus Report: The Insider’s Guide to Online Privacy
I also realize that you’ll personally show me how to receive, send and use the system anonymously.
PUBLISHER’S NOTE: To be clear – this purchase is fully guaranteed. If you aren’t happy for any reason, just let us know and we’ll give you a full refund – and you can keep the bitcoins we’ve sent you too.
The Insider’s Guide to the Bitcoin Phenomenom + The Insider’s Guide to Online Privacy: $29
Note: If you wish to pay via Bitcoin, please e-mail us at
service@freemansperspective.com to make arrangements.