A Third of A Century Into Global Warming

It was in 1988 that I first heard of global warming. Seeing that we had recently emerged from a cold spell, it came as something of a surprise. But I didn’t think much of it one way or another, as I had, by that time, learned to discount Big Media.

The next time I really thought of it was a couple of years later, when I ran into Larry Abraham’s article on The Greening of The Reds. That caught my attention, and as I recall it got a lot of things right.

Since then I could barely avoid the topic, as it mounted an assault on billions of minds. It has become, to state it very bluntly, a replacement religion for a West that had abandoned Christianity. It has been taught to school children, first in Europe and now in North America, as a catechism. They call it climate change these days (global warming was too vulnerable a term), but the dogma is the same: humans bad, freedom bad, markets very bad, nature divine, governments the sword of righteousness.

The problem for the catechists, however, is a large one: The much promised consequences simply aren’t happening. We were told, back in ‘88, that over the next century all sorts of very obvious things would happen: islands sinking below the ocean with all their inhabitants drowning, and so on.


Then, of course, a variety of actors and politicians scrambled for relevance by championing the cause. They, too, made predictions, nearly all of which have been spectacular failures.

Hmmm, again.

The crazy thing is, global warming would be a good thing. A warmer planet means better harvests. And more food is very, very good. On top of that – and this may really bake your noodle – carbon dioxide is plant food, and we could use more of it rather than less. 

What I Saw Along The Way

I’ll continue with my experiences, since I think they are useful.

In the early 1990s (in the course of my work) I did a lot of research on alternative energy sources, which brought me directly into the global warming issue. What I found was that the support for it was full of holes. I’m not formally an engineer, but I did engineering work for many years and I learned to examine things as an engineer. And so when I looked at the global warming literature, I had no problem rejecting it. Once you got past the emotional veneer, there wasn’t much there. Everything was a projection, produced by an echo chamber.

Then, as I’ve written about previously, I was able to attend the big UN climate change meetings, two years running. What I saw there was a convention of publicity-seekers and money-grabbers. Aside from a few more failed predictions, it provided me with very little.

Not long after I enjoyed a dinner with the late Fred Singer, who was a very serious scientist, and a very great opponent of the global warming industry. The conversation didn’t particularly convince me of anything, but it did connect me with the fact that solar radiation is, by far, the greatest factor in weather on Earth… a fact that is ignored by the catechism instructors.

There is more to say on this, but the point is made: If the Green Prophets were right, we’d be seeing plenty of real-life effects by now, but we’re not. What we are getting is more dogma.

Meanwhile the polar bears are doing just fine. 

Apocalypse When? 

End of the world stories sell very well, and so we’ve been treated to a long string of them. And yet life goes on. The weather, while always erratic, continues as it was. People still love to complain about it, of course. 

You can find direct coverage in Denouncing The New Deity, but the fact is that “climate change” has been an abject failure… it’s predictions have failed for more than a third of a century, and very consistently.

Saying “freak weather events will appear” is just about the safest bet that can be made on this planet. That, however, is almost all the apocalyptics have… aside from megaphones. 

So please start talking about these things. You can see the newsletter linked above for advice on how. 

Good luck.


Paul Rosenberg


3 thoughts on “A Third of A Century Into Global Warming”

  1. I can remember as a young man in the early 1980s reading about the first public mention of global warming. A couple of university researchers made the public announcement that man-caused CO2 was causing a significant warmup and we needed to curtail our CO2 production to avoid a world catastrophe. Of course the Greens (haters of mankind) jumped on the bandwagon with all appendages, demanding that the govt do something. The govt, always on the lookout for ways to gain more power, jumped into the fray. Shortly after the movement gained a full head of steam, the original university researchers came out with the statement that they discovered a major error in their theory and data and there actually was no threat of man-caused global warming. But by then, the statement was swept under the carpet as it would mean the destruction of a movement and that couldn’t happen.

  2. I may not get the details exactly right, but I thought the Global Warming Hoax was done in 2010. That’s when the head of East Anglia College (world center for all things global warming), Phil Jones, attempted to commit suicide after refusing over 100,000 FOIA requests. He admitted to sending out instructions to hoaxers on how to alter their model to get the results they wanted. He said, he had fallen in love with his model, but was never able to get the needed results, so he altered the results.
    But I was wrong. After that, I knew Global Warming was not an honest issue, but a religion.
    Hundreds of years from now, historians will not be able to explain our behavior and why we spent trillions of dollars on a hoax, for decades after the hoax was revealed.

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