Everything we do changes the world, of course, and I remain a strong advocate for kindness. Nonetheless, we need to face the fact that the children’s book version of “be kind and change the world” hasn’t worked. Wars and crime proceed as they have since the Bronze Age, and long years of promoting “be kind” hasn’t changed the situation. Continue reading “Why Kindness Doesn’t Change The World”
Author: Paul
The Wisdom of Bruce Lee
People remember Bruce Lee as a fighter or as a movie star. But as it happens, he was also a thoughtful man. Bruce had his gaps and flaws, of course, but he also left behind a lot of useful thoughts. And since so few people know about these ideas, I’ll cover them here. (I never knew Bruce, who died while I was a teenager, but a friend of mine did, and a friend of another friend knew him very well.) Continue reading “The Wisdom of Bruce Lee”
Recovering Jesus: Now Available In Print
Recovering Jesus is now available as a paper book.
I think this is a crucially important work, but I also think it contains ideas which will take time for people to absorb. In my experience, things as new and different as this take decades to be accepted. Nonetheless, I’m convinced that the book is important and that this long process needs to be moved forward. Continue reading “Recovering Jesus: Now Available In Print”
The Missing Gold Economy
While most people missed it, there was a thriving gold economy in the early 2000s. It was centered around e-gold (a system for trading digital gold) and it involved billions of dollars per year in transactions. It was also a magnificent adventure. Continue reading “The Missing Gold Economy”
Debt And Compliance
I’ve advised people to get and stay out of debt for a long time, but even so, I didn’t fully understand the affects of debt until the Covid time. As the mayhem spread, I struggled to understand the level of compliance with what would have been, at any other time, criminal medical advice.
Certainly compliance was driven by massive applications of fear. And, certainly, it was accompanied by exceptional levels of guilt, as in “You’ll be responsible for killing Grandma!” Still, there was more to it, and that extra piece, I soon enough realized, was debt. Continue reading “Debt And Compliance”
Civilization Comes From Us
Civilization is produced by us, not by dominance hierarchies with publicity operations.
Rulership survives on human vulnerabilities. Civilization survives on human virtues. No matter how much publicity equates rulership with civilization, they are fundamentally opposed. Continue reading “Civilization Comes From Us”
Being A Placeholder Isn’t Enough
Everything “normal” in the Western system trains you to be a placeholder: You are expected to attend the schools to which you’re assigned and complete the necessary programs. By doing that, you can attain a nice slot in the big machine. Then you’ll function in that general capacity, probably for many years. This is called success. Continue reading “Being A Placeholder Isn’t Enough”
Information Is Broken
Humanity is informed as never before; nothing in the historical record compares. This, unfortunately, is not a particularly good thing.
The provision of information, if it is to bless mankind, must have quality control built into it… it must have a feedback mechanism with teeth. Barring that, it can spiral out of control, as, indeed, it has.
Consider that almost everyone in the modern world is flooded with information. Even the poorest people walk around with phones beeping at them a dozen times per day, delivering little packets of it. And for active people the info-delivery is far greater. Even the delivery devices themselves, smart phones, have become status symbols. Continue reading “Information Is Broken”
Bourgeois And Proud
Even if you’re not exactly sure what bourgeois means, you’ve almost certainly noticed that it refers to something bad or embarrassing. But before I explain its actual meaning, I want to turn the tables on it: I will maintain that bourgeois is good. For most of us, the bourgeois way of life is something to be sought, and hopefully to be attained.
Now, let’s get back to the proper meaning of the term. Continue reading “Bourgeois And Proud”
Is It True That Only Moral People Can Be Free?
People sometimes talk about freedom requiring morality and even religion. The famous quote along these lines is from John Adams, who wrote that the US constitution was made for “a moral and religious people,” going on to say that it’s unfit for any other kind.
Nothing against Mr. Adams, but that passage is a mere assertion. It says nothing about why it might be true that freedom requires a moral populace. Such assertions really ought to be supported, and so far as I’ve seen, they haven’t been.
Today I’ll address that void. Continue reading “Is It True That Only Moral People Can Be Free?”