Was There A Real Jesus? And If So, What Did He Really Say?

Due to the number of questions I’ve received about Jesus, I think a podcast devoted to him is in order.

People addressing this material, from whatever angle, tend to have fiercely held opinions, cherry-picking facts around them. That makes these discussions very difficult, and I’ll do my best to avoid that trap. This is a fascinating subject, and removing dogmatic opinions is what opens it to us.

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14 Words

Imagine a pretty spring day. You’re standing on your front porch or some other pleasant vantage point and looking out at a sunlit landscape: trees, grass, and singing birds. Then your five-year-old child or grandchild walks up to you and tugs on your hand to get your attention. You turn and the child asks, “What kind of world is this?”

What do you reply? Continue reading “14 Words”

Election Day Options

Today is election day in America, and this time I’ll offer my opinions. I’m not endorsing anyone (the issues surrounding this year’s election are far larger than that) but I will contribute a few ideas. And to be very clear, I’m doing this for three distinct reasons: Because I love my neighbors; because I love the American people; and because the idea of America is far too important to lose. Continue reading “Election Day Options”

The Gospel of Ignorance

The good news about ignorance? Yes, and emphatically yes.

The good news about ignorance is that it sets us free from mental chains. Now, to be clear, what I’m talking about here is accepting and admitting our ignorance. This is essential if we want to actually know things, as opposed to making a show of knowing things. And I can tell you from personal experience that it really works. I gained the habit of admitting my ignorance (almost advertising it) back in the early 1980s, and that habit has helped me toward more understanding and discovery than I’d be able to itemize. Continue reading “The Gospel of Ignorance”

The Serfdom State of Mind

Serfdom was… and is… a state of mind far more than an economic or social position.

The Serfdom State of Mind focuses on the desire for safety and security… of remaining clear of blame… to the detriment of self-reliance and living as a free and independent moral agent.

Everyone enjoys safety, of course, but to place placidity above life itself is a grave error, and lies at the root of serfdom.

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Social Media Is A Polarization Machine

Sure, we’ve all seen this in practice and people have developed catchy terms for it, like echo chamber, but the polarization effect of social media has been demonstrated scientifically. In fact, some of us were warning about it a long time ago. And while I can no longer find my original documentation on the subject, I can tell you precisely how it works. Continue reading “Social Media Is A Polarization Machine”