The Blow That Ended America 100 Years Ago

1913(Originally published in 2013.)

“There is a lot of ruin in a nation,” wrote Adam Smith, and what he meant was that it takes a long time for nations to fall, even when they’re dead on their feet. And he was certainly right.

America took its fatal blow in 1913, one hundred years ago; it just hasn’t hit the ground yet. This is a slow process, but it’s actually fast compared to the Romans. It took them several centuries to collapse. Continue reading “The Blow That Ended America 100 Years Ago”

The Fascist’s Guide to Business Success

business successI was downtown last Thursday and ended up with an hour to kill before my train home, so I went down the station’s back stairs and around the corner to Jay’s Bar. It was almost six o’clock, so the crowd was a mix of corporate suits buying expensive vodka, tradesmen enjoying decent beer, and jobless neighborhood guys drinking cheap beer. I ordered something inoffensive and watched to see if any of my old Cypherpunk pals would show up. Continue reading “The Fascist’s Guide to Business Success”

The 21st Century Addictions

In any negotiation, the one with power is the one who can walk away. If you can’t walk, you have no power and you won’t get what you want.

I bring this up because a couple of billion people have entered relationships in which they have no power at all, and who are being intentionally used. More than that, this relationship carries a chemical component, making it an addiction. Continue reading “The 21st Century Addictions”

The Jesus Challenge

There has been no more important teacher in human history than Jesus of Nazareth. Not only was Western civilization (the civilization that eliminated slavery, spawned science and unleashed production) based upon his teachings, but more than two billion people still look to him as the most crucial man ever to have lived.

And yet, this must be said… Continue reading “The Jesus Challenge”

The Voice of The Workers Is Finally Heard

(Originally posted August 17, 2023 and still important.)

I make a practice of not posting any link tied to Google, but this time I’ll make an exception. This is the voice of the working class… the productive people who‘ve been treated like serfs by the “rich men north of Richmond.” These people are not stupid, and this musician is speaking in their voice: the voice of many millions, world-wide.

Remember, these are the people who build, repair and deliver everything. All of us, rich and poor alike, need them to reclaim their voice.

Please watch.

The Wisdom of Thomas Jefferson

I’ve made no secret of my admiration of Thomas Jefferson, and today I’d like to show you at least part of why. And so I’ll give you a collection of my favorite Jefferson passages. There was considerably more to the man than just his writings, but this will give you enough to appreciate. And please remember that he came up with these thoughts between 200 and 250 years ago. Continue reading “The Wisdom of Thomas Jefferson”

“Conspiracy Theory” Is Thuggery

While it’s possible to use “conspiracy theory” in a neutral way, I’m struggling to recall an instance. In actual use, to call someone a conspiracy theorist is to slap them. It’s purpose is to shut them up, to stop others from considering what they said, and to shame them as badly as possible. Anyone who’s been its target knows this.

Calling “conspiracy theory” adds precisely no factual input to a discussion; it’s simply an attempt to end a conversation; an attempt to intimidate and paralyze. Continue reading ““Conspiracy Theory” Is Thuggery”

You’re Already Rich

I got an email from my old friend Dick not too long ago, who is maybe the smartest guy I ever met, and I’ve known a lot of smart guys. He was coming through town and we decided to meet at our old hangout, Jay’s Bar.

Dick was from California, but he came through Chicago every now and then back in the 90s, and he often joined our cypherpunk hangout in the back room at Jay’s. Continue reading “You’re Already Rich”

Homeschooling Is Easier Than You Think

When I say homeschooling is easier than you think, I really mean it: it’s easier and better. (And yes, I’ve done it myself.) That said, there are complications and difficulties involved.

Given the current reign of madness in so many schools these difficulties hardly matter, but I’d still like to begin by describing the hard parts of homeschooling: I want you to know what you’re getting into. Continue reading “Homeschooling Is Easier Than You Think”

Our Natural Predators

Nearly every creature upon this planet has one or more natural predators: creatures that prey upon them. Humans seem to be a striking exception; even though we’re bereft of natural weapons – claws, ripping teeth and so on – we easily protect ourselves from even large predators. There are the occasional “bear in the woods” stories, but those come when we leave our constructed environments. Continue reading “Our Natural Predators”