Don’t Panic, We’ll Rebalance After

The ruling cliques of the West have run off the rails, and we all know it. (“We” being productive people.) Who among us would volunteer for the outrages being spewed at us?

We the productive have been thrown into a deep contradiction: Firstly, we are sickened by the things we see. But if we imagine the systems doing this going away, we feel panic.

What I’m telling you is not to fear the loss of the high and mighty: they’re not helping us and we’d rebalance in their absence anyway. 

Our beliefs are good, and our ways are better than the ways of the ruling cliques. We shouldn’t sacrifice our values to the opponents of our values.

The cliques have trained us to feel powerless, but we’re not. They’ve always needed us far more than we’ve needed them.

We are producers, and our work has actual value; they are schemers, status-seekers and performers.

We build, grow and deliver everything; they take half of everything.

They demand to be respected, feared and obeyed; we cooperate and make the world livable.

They brag, endlessly, of how noble they are; we bring actual decency into the world, and without bragging.

You know these things are true, and our occasional errors don’t negate any of it: the suits in marble buildings make far more and more serious errors.

So, if the televised faces can’t hold their game together, don’t worry about it and don’t compromise your ethics for them: The world is fed and supplied by our ethics.

Our productive ways should not, must not, be sacrificed.

Don’t sell yourself for the sake of “stability.” Turn off the fear porn that pushes you in that direction. Again: the ruling cliques don’t produce the necessities of life. We do. They don’t actually pay for the things “they provide.” We do.

Production is the essential component of civilized life; ruling cliques are expensive ornamentation. If they start falling apart, don’t panic. Don’t compromise your dignity or your beliefs. Things will rebalance afterward.


Paul Rosenberg

2 thoughts on “Don’t Panic, We’ll Rebalance After”

  1. Excellent points, especially applicable not so much to those of us who have studied the ill-effects of bloated government for a long time, and understand the adaptability of humans to changing circumstances, as it is to the majority of Americans (and citizens of the world) who are in a much greater state of ignorance, and for whom fear of the unknown is very powerful. It’s analogous to an abusive relationship, where the abused partner fears the loss of the few scraps of security the relationship gives. We the people are the abused in our relationship with government, and all of us need to understand that breaking off that relationship need not be feared anywhere near as much as maintaining it, which can only lead to our complete enslavement.

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