As I noted last time, a small roll of pages recently showed up at my door. They appeared to have been ripped from a history book entitled 2000–2150 AD: The Emergence of Modernity. I am completing my transcription of them today, verbatim. Make of it what you will. Continue reading “Western Civilization, Seen from 2150 AD, Part 2”
Don’t Panic, We’ll Rebalance After
The ruling cliques of the West have run off the rails, and we all know it. (“We” being productive people.) Who among us would volunteer for the outrages being spewed at us?
We the productive have been thrown into a deep contradiction: Firstly, we are sickened by the things we see. But if we imagine the systems doing this going away, we feel panic.
What I’m telling you is not to fear the loss of the high and mighty: they’re not helping us and we’d rebalance in their absence anyway. Continue reading “Don’t Panic, We’ll Rebalance After”
Western Civilization, Seen from 2150 AD, Part 1
A small roll of pages showed up in my mailbox last week, printed on an odd size and type of paper. They appeared to have been ripped from a history book entitled 2000–2150 AD: The Emergence of Modernity. I’m repeating the text here verbatim, sans the header, which mentions only the title of the book. (Or perhaps it’s the title of a chapter.)
Make of this what you will. Continue reading “Western Civilization, Seen from 2150 AD, Part 1”
The Gospel of Radicalism
A few hundred years ago it was a standard medical practice to bleed sick people: to make cuts in various parts of their bodies and to drain blood from them. Most people submitted to this useless and frequently harmful treatment without question.
Would you have been one of them? Continue reading “The Gospel of Radicalism”
To the College Student Drowning in Debt and the Single Mother Who Can’t Afford Insurance
You’re in a bad situation; you’re depressed, frightened, and need a solution. I’ll do my best to give you one. But first, please believe me that I know what it’s like to be in desperate circumstances.
I’m offering you advice, earned the hard way. What you do with it will be your choice, but unlike politicians, I’m not trying to get anything from you and my plan actually works. Continue reading “To the College Student Drowning in Debt and the Single Mother Who Can’t Afford Insurance”
Six Reasons Centralization Is Bad
The other day a friend contacted me, looking for an article that explained why centralization is bad. At first I was sure there had to be many, but I came up dry. Hence today’s post. Continue reading “Six Reasons Centralization Is Bad”
You’ve Been Robbed
You work long, hard days, but you never have enough to be secure. Your husband or wife probably works too, and yet you still never get ahead. Now think about this: Your great-grandparents worked hard, and they did get ahead. You work just as hard, but you don’t make the same progress.
Was great-grandpa really that much better than you? Not likely. So, how was it that he could get ahead on one income, but you can’t? Continue reading “You’ve Been Robbed”
Evil Is Weak
For clarity, let’s define “evil” as “the willful abuse of other humans.”
By this definition, any person or persons who purposely manipulate other humans to their own ends – anything from tricking them into a bad business deal to extorting money from them to murdering them – are engaging in evil. Continue reading “Evil Is Weak”
We Are Great
A number of people seem to freak out when I write a piece like this, but it’s a huge mistake to define ourselves by what we’re against, and darkness is not all that exists in the world. Continue reading “We Are Great”
Hustled Through Life
Most people, sad to say, are too rushed, frightened, and confused to think about what they really want out of life. They are hustled through school, forced into long-term decisions before they’re ready to handle them, then held to those decisions. Continue reading “Hustled Through Life”