
Showing all 34 results

  • A Changing of The Gods

    Carl Jung thought he was living through the right time for what the Greeks called “a metamorphosis of the gods.”…
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  • A New Architecture of Education

    Education, over the past century, has embodied a rigid, hierarchical design. It was organized around the imperative that people must…
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  • A Space Travel Primer

    The space vision… the vision of outer space being accessible to you and me… will change the world. And it…
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  • A Worker’s World

    Working people… productive people… have always held the real power in this world. Unfortunately, they’ve been convinced otherwise. Our world…
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  • Biology in Our Hands

    Take a close look at this photo. The white substance at the bottom of the jar (within a refrigerated solvent)…
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  • Breaking The Cult

    The Establishment culture of our time is indeed a cult. That’s not a terribly strong statement, as mainline cultures are…
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  • Breaking The Prime Barrier

    There is a Prime Barrier that stands between humanity as it is and humanity as it should be. It has…
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  • Bringing Down the Wicked

    The reign of the wicked will end. It will take time, but it will happen. But it will be internal…
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  • Building A Positive Social Infrastructure

    The social infrastructure of the West, over all of our lifetimes, has been oppositional. Healthy people, and especially healthy families,…
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  • Cheerful Radicals

    The cheerful radicals are, or ought to be, us. Unfortunately, this has seldom been the case, and we’ve often been…
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  • Compelling Them To Come

    Our job, and perhaps especially now, is to bring people out of enforced society and into chosen society. And we’ll…
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  • Decentralized Finance: What And Why

    Decentralized finance, or DeFi (DEE-fie), is in the process of revolutionizing the second layer of money. Bitcoin has been revolutionizing…
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  • Denouncing The New Deity

    If anyone’s feelings on Green are being insulted, please understand that I am not trying to be flamboyant. But I…
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  • Enriching Family Life

    I am convinced that a return to family life will be a fundamental part of our future. Family, as we…
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  • Facebook And Peak Externality

    We have been living through a peak of externality, and a unique episode of it. This distorted condition won’t last,…
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  • Forging a New Monetary Order

    The opportunity is now before us to make the ancient scheme of monetary slavery obsolete. Not to expose it, mind…
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  • How To Thrive Below The Radar

    Living below the radar is something we should all be familiar with. It's important not just for our physical safety,…
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  • Justice And Mercy, Forgiveness And Reconciliation

    Mercy and justice very often, even essentially, contradict and oppose one another. At the same time, both are essential to…
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  • Our Role As Techno-Phoenicians

    In this issue we examine commercial civilizations that functioned outside of and parallel to our usual war-structured civilizations. Because, ultimately,…
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  • Our Stones of Stumbling

    Leaving a difficult and contrary world behind sounds attractive, but once out of it, new things will begin making sense,…
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  • Rebuilding Appreciation And Trust

    Appreciation and trust have been pulled apart over the past fifty years, and a great deal of our current troubles…
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  • Reclaiming Our Heroic Civilization

    Western civilization was a heroic civilization, which helped make it better than any other in human history. Officialdom may have…
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  • Suffering And Progress

    If we could view our world from far enough away and with enough understanding, we’d say that humanity is stuck…
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  • The Bitcoin Coup D’Etat

    Although technology has fundamentally ended scarcity, it remains for most of Earth’s inhabitants, because nation-states have captured and monopolized human…
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  • The Blessings of Political Collapse

    Given the propaganda of our time, we tend to see political collapse as rulers see it: The end of their…
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  • The Ethics of Rebellion

    People who live through major upheavals come out of them with psychological scars. Part of that is because such events…
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  • The New Machiavellian Maxims

    This issue is one of our occasional glances into the rear-view mirror. And we’ll do it with the model of…
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  • The Rehabilitation of Christianity

    Christianity created a culture that has advanced farther and better than any in human history. But since 1750, it has…
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  • The Return From Hedonism

    The dominating popular philosophy of the past two generations, a retread of hedonism, is starting to slip away. A return…
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  • Toward A New Mating Ethic

    There’s a screaming need for a new mating strategy that works for young people... that tells them mating is good…
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  • Tradecraft, Part One

    We are at an awkward moment for communication: Our new worldwide system, the Internet, has become a full-blow surveillance and…
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  • Tradecraft, Part Two

    We are at an awkward moment for communication: Our new worldwide system, the Internet, has become a full-blow surveillance and…
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  • Using the World While Not Abusing It

    In about 54 AD, Saul of Tarsus (aka, Saint Paul) wrote the line I’ve incorporated into our title to a…
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  • Welcome to the Darknet

    The fun parts of life are nearly always those that are wild and open. Conformity, while it may have some…
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