The War On Mating

The pairing-up of young men and women has always been a difficult process. What has appeared recently, however, is a multi-media assault upon mating per se, and that’s new.

This is something we need to see clearly, and so I’ll jump right in by telling you that an Anti-Mating Industry has arisen in the realm of social media. We’ve all seen this, but we’ve seldom appreciated it.

Young men and women are invariably clumsy as they drift together, and so it has always been. What’s different now is that once something goes wrong in the process (as it always does), there are polar-opposite camps, telling each party that they’ve been victimized by other sex’s inherent derangement.

There’s a huge women’s industry, servicing women who feel they’ve been done wrong.

There’s a huge men’s industry, servicing men who feel they’ve been done wrong.

This Anti-Mating Industry bears the classic mark of a philosophy gone bad: It survives only if there’s an enemy to hate.

In other words, there is a massive complex of social media warriors, despising men. These people are paid for their work, either monetarily (working for foundations or as “influencers”) or simply via social media’s dopamine-delivery mechanism.

And, of course, there is an opposite industry, despising women.

Both of these monetize young people not mating. A successful, traditional mating removes two customers from them, in addition to making them appear irrelevant. The incentives they face drive them to oppose mating.


There’s a saying in business that “a problem defined is a problem half-solved,” and I would very much like that to be the case here. Someone needs to teach young people to find healthy mates and to forge long-term, meaningful relationships. I think I can help along those lines, but it’s not going to be my job.

Nonetheless, this work needs to be done, and there are myriad people who are able to do it moderately well, on scales both small and large.

If you are able and willing to do this work, you’ll become a blessing to the human race. So, please just get started. On behalf of posterity I thank you.


Paul Rosenberg

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