We Must Stop Apologizing

As I look back on my early work, I see too many cases of trying to accommodate hostile opponents… too much effort spent on making my arguments unassailable. And I see that it was wasted effort.

It’s time to unchain ourselves from apologetics. It’s time to accept that we are right and to act like it. We’ve already explained ourselves quite publicly and quite well. Those who want to know will know; those who prefer not to know will maintain their shells.

Yes, of course, we’re not right on every detail, yadda, yadda, yadda. We’re adults and we’ve understood such things for a long time. But we also know that the golden rule is right, no matter that agents of confusion demand otherwise. We know that freedom of speech is right, that religious toleration is right, that decentralization is better than congealed power, that honest trade is better than legislated trade, and so on.

We need to act like we know we’re right. We need to ignore people who get off on fighting.

Now, before I close this short post, let me add a few points that are pertinent to the moment, as crazed elites try to brow-beat the world into living out their twisted fantasies:

    • If you think mocking the beliefs of Christians is hateful, say so without apology. Don’t “try to understand their motives” or give them the benefit of the doubt: That’s how they line you up to be beaten again.
    • If you think men beating up women is disgraceful and cruel, say so plainly. Give no ground to the delusion that men aren’t really men, so long as they repeat a few incantations and get a few injections.
    • If you think families are the natural units of an ongoing human race, say so, and don’t apologize for it. We’re not forcing anyone into anything and we must not apologize for living our way. Without us humanity ends.
    • If you like your beliefs, stop apologizing for them and stop wasting your time on religion-haters. By all means improve your beliefs, but don’t spend your energies on people who wish to tear you down. Turn and walk away.

End Rant


Paul Rosenberg


7 thoughts on “We Must Stop Apologizing”

  1. Not sure who said:
    “A man convinced against his will,
    is of the same opinion, still.”
    “Grandpa”a/k/a Peter Taradash

    So, you are right Paul, just walk away; don’t waste your time.

    1. YES. I heard precisely the same comment back in my youth. I tracked it down and found what I think is the original:

      He that complies against his will is of his own opinion still.
      – Samuel Butler, Hudibras

  2. Exactly! Our kindness and politeness has been exploited. Enough already! We know their views and they don’t really care about ours. There is no middle-ground. So lets stop pretending like there is. Time to accept and move on – they are weird, sick and likely evil too. Time to stop coddling this group and vomit it out of our society. Maybe then we can regain some sanity and health.

  3. Comment passed along:

    Well said, and so true. Those who seek control start by trying to make us apologize for the truth.

  4. This is made possible by reaching a point in which the silly, statist opinions of others no longer rankle us; they are an expected part of the state of the world. Once I was passionate about educating others and couldn’t stand to let someone’s misconceptions rest. On that path lies endless frustration. Of course I’m still willing to talk with someone who is willing to listen, but if I sense that no openness exists (which is usually quite easy to tell very quickly), I let my own agitation go, along with any attempt to convince the other. In this calmer state of mind it’s sometimes possible to interject an innocent question about the other’s views, which might (or might not) lead that person to rethink his position.

  5. Yes, I agree, stand by what you believe in.
    I have heard it is around .03% of the population that identify as trans or a form of human that is other than male/female. Why should we be forced to accept them when they cannot accept themselves?

    In Dr. Scott M Pecks book “The Road Less Traveled”, which I read back in the 90’s, he mentions that out of the hundred of homosexual clients he treated, actually less than 5% were really homosexual, the rest were identifying as homosexual out of comfort or popular trends.

    It is in knowing ourselves and who we are in relation to our creator that we can stand our ground and not accept the delusions of others.

    I have a nephew that was miserable in his own body, transitioned into a woman and seems more miserable now. We have a spiritual sickness in our society and no amount of transitioning is going to fill that void, it like an alky or drug addict trying to fill a hole that can only be filled with a relationship with a “Higher Power”.

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