A Defense of 1950s Housewives

I believe that women are inherently as valuable as men. But I don’t believe this because of politics, I believe it because of experience.

Young people are taught  that women before 1970 or so were suppressed, deprived of education and legally raped by their husbands. But I’m telling you that’s false. My mom, her friends, and many other women I knew were not dupes, weaklings, and victims. Whoever wishes to can hate me for this, but I was there and I know what I saw… and I will defend the women I loved. Continue reading “A Defense of 1950s Housewives”

Status Revisited

A few years ago I uploaded a post on status, to somewhat mixed reviews. A significant number of people feel that status is something to embrace, or at least something that can’t be fought.

And so today I’m “doubling down,” as people like to say these days, because once you recognize the perversity of status, you also recognize that we very much need to get past it. Continue reading “Status Revisited”

First Parallel Society Podcast

Buckminster Fuller’s advice for building a better world was to create a new model that makes the old model obsolete, and the Parallel Society podcast is dedicated to just that. We cover cryptocurrency, biohacking, private space flight, homeschooling and much more.

Buckminster Fuller’s advice for building a better world was to create a new model that makes the old model obsolete, and the Parallel Society podcast is dedicated to just that. We cover cryptocurrency, biohacking, private space flight, homeschooling and much more.


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Culture Versus Conscience

Culture has always been the antagonist of conscience.

Once we see ourselves as part of a larger entity… once we identify with it… we feel a necessity to conform to it. If we don’t, we lose the existential crutch that larger entities offer us. And, partly as a result of living with that collective identification, most of us are emotionally unprepared to stand alone before the world. Continue reading “Culture Versus Conscience”

The Necessity of Being a Well-Rounded Person… and How to Pull It Off

I regularly go on about the necessity of forming your own opinions and making stands upon them. But while I’m quite certain about that, there’s another side to such things. We are complicated creatures, after all.

The more we express and defend our own opinions, the more we tend to get locked into them. And that part can be a problem, because none of us – not even the best of us – knows enough to claim that his or her opinions are beyond questioning. Continue reading “The Necessity of Being a Well-Rounded Person… and How to Pull It Off”

It’s Heretics Who Save the World

HereticsThe people who have kept the world from a slide into darkness and pulled it forward have nearly always been heretics of one form or another.

I’m using “heretic” beyond a religious context, but that shouldn’t be unusual, after all, it’s the punisher who makes the heretic. Without punishers, heretics would be no more than people with different ideas. And in our time, the punishers are seldom religious. Continue reading “It’s Heretics Who Save the World”