A Lesson from Devon Avenue

DevonAvenueThere is a huge difference between forced associations and free associations. In fact, if you pay attention to the issue, you’ll find that the very act of forcing people together carries a poison in itself. We see the fruit of that poison in ethnic hatred, the formation of street gangs and in bullying. Whenever it is that forced associations are examined scientifically, they will be condemned as anti-human. Continue reading “A Lesson from Devon Avenue”

What Rulers Believe

I’ve been working on collections of quotes lately, and I have one more that I’d like to present… this one on the thoughts of rulers. For a number of years I’ve been telling people that the incentives faced by productive people and the incentives facing rulers (of whatever stripe) are very, very different. This list, I believe, will make that point.

RulersBelieveI’ve been working on collections of quotes lately, and I have one more that I’d like to present… this one on the thoughts of rulers.

For a number of years I’ve been telling people that the incentives faced by productive people and the incentives facing rulers (of whatever stripe) are very, very different. This list, I believe, will make that point. Continue reading “What Rulers Believe”

Golden Disobedience

GoldenDisobedience(This post was written by my friend, Sandy Sandfort. It’s an important glimpse into an historical event.) 

Inertia is a human frailty. Too often, we go along to get along. We conform. Because of this, those who claim authority can get most of us to do their bidding if it comes with a plausible justification and is only incremental. We get nickel-and-dimed to death, the death of a thousand cuts. Continue reading “Golden Disobedience”

The War On Mating

The pairing-up of young men and women has always been a difficult process. What has appeared recently, however, is a multi-media assault upon mating per se, and that’s new.

This is something we need to see clearly, and so I’ll jump right in by telling you that an Anti-Mating Industry has arisen in the realm of social media. We’ve all seen this, but we’ve seldom appreciated it. Continue reading “The War On Mating”