Child Abuse On A Civilizational Scale

(Originally published in October of 2022, and tragically still necessary.)

This is not something I ever wanted to write or even imagined writing. And yet, here we are. I’ve been receiving a stream of reports from wildly divergent sources, all saying the same things.

The fact is that child abuse is being perpetrated on a civilizational scale… massively financed on a civilizational level. This needs to be addressed.

And yes, I’m talking about the transgender thing. It’s being shoved down the throats of children, even young children, world wide. And it is damaging those children. I am reliably informed that more than 40 percent of children in Sweden, of all places, are confused as to whether they are a boy or a girl. That’s nothing less than child abuse, and I’m receiving similar reports from all across North America, the Caribbean, and from still other places. The spouses of schoolteachers have whispered to me how horrified they are about it.

Children are to be protected and nurtured. Every adult human is responsible for this.

Children, and especially their minds, are just forming; they must be insulated from confusion and manipulation. To confuse them on basic facts – like being a boy or a girl – and to do this for dogmatic, political and status-seeking reasons, is despicable. We cannot let it transpire in silence.

And so, as massively redundant as it may be, let’s go through some very basic facts:

    • If you have XX chromosomes and female organs, you’re a girl.
    • If you have XY chromosomes and male organs, you’re a boy.
    • Of course we need to be kind to people, including very odd people.

None of this is hard to understand, and none of it is new to us; we learned these things as children, minus the chromosome thing, which is redundant anyway.

I’m told that a tiny fraction of one percent of humans have genetic abnormalities and don’t fit in either XX or XY category. Those people, of course, are to be treated with respect and kindness. They are full beings, even if slightly non-standard.

Likewise, adults who undergo medical procedures to approximate the other sex are free to do so and may not be abused for their choices. They are full humans with the full right to free choice. And not only must we treat them well, we must defend them from abuse: This also is the responsibility of adults. (The same goes, of course, for people who simply choose to live differently.)

None of the above can in any way justify the manipulation and abuse of children. The systems that have backed this and financed it are child abusers on a civilizational scale, and they’ve done it for power: Raw, vile, political power.


Paul Rosenberg

4 thoughts on “Child Abuse On A Civilizational Scale”

  1. Once more another good analytics of what our government sanctions and promotes on the way to the destruction of its population,children and adults without one care of any type of morality what’s so ever.GOD help us and our nation…..j

  2. I’ve no idea how long this has been going on. But here in Europe there is a trend that young voters choose more conservative parties if they get a chance. Might it be that young people are sniffing the fire behind their backs? In the sense that the education system seems to be rigged against them?

    1. It has been a while since I spent time on European streets, Frank, so I’m not sure. (Very glad to hear it, though.)

      If you can figure it out, please share. 🙂

  3. All government schools around the world are and have always been systems of massive child abuse endlessly twisting the minds of students to unquestioning obedience to authority, not just to gender confusion. I learned a new philosophy which declares it is always necessary to question authority whether it is a religious document like the Bible, Talmud, Quran, etc, the Constitution, law books, government leaders and me. The originator of that philosophy was Ayn Rand who called it Objectivism.

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