Why The Prime Directive is Evil

I’ve been a fan of Star Trek since the original series was in its first run. When The Next Generation came along years later (and these can be fighting words), I thought it was even better in some ways.

But there were a few things about TNG that rubbed me the wrong way, and the biggest of those was the Prime Directive. I couldn’t define why it bothered me back in 1990, but there was something very wrong about it it… something anti-human. Now, however, I understand, and perhaps you’d like to as well. Continue reading “Why The Prime Directive is Evil”

The Protracted Martyrdoms of Julian Assange And Ross Ulbricht

Both Julian Assange and Ross Ulbricht have been condemned to frightening prisons: Assange for daring to expose the truth and Ulbricht for daring to build a free market. Legal vocabulary just clouds the issue; they’re in prison for truth and markets… and for acting on their own will.

Those of us who’ve paid attention know that “the law,” as applied to both men, was driven by the necessities of power: Assange was setup and the legal processes used against him were rigged. Ulbricht’s trial was manipulated and his sentence was based upon charges that were never tried. Continue reading “The Protracted Martyrdoms of Julian Assange And Ross Ulbricht”

Forgiving Ourselves

(This post was adapted from On The Moral Education of Children.)

I think we’ve all heard people say that in order to repair a relationship, it’s necessary to forgive the other person first… to accept that they, like you, have their flaws, and that you will no longer hold them to account for what they did.

Those of us who were able to follow that advice know that while it doesn’t solve everything, it is necessary. We’ve also learned that to honestly forgive does something to us; something deep and healthy. Continue reading “Forgiving Ourselves”

Woke Is Our Problem To Fix

Woke is most certainly a problem, especially because it has overtaken the institutions of the West. Fundamentally, however, Woke is a problem residing in individual humans. And because those humans are our children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and neighbors, fixing it falls to us. The people involved may disappoint us and even insult us, but we may not give up on them.

And so I’d like to address the practical side of this problem. Continue reading “Woke Is Our Problem To Fix”

Social Media Hijacks The Subconscious Mind

Anything that affects the subconscious minds of billions of people, on a daily basis, is a very serious thing, and that is precisely what has happened over the past decade, as social media captured a large percentage of human cognition.

I am well aware that I am running against the stream. Mine, to be honest about it, is a small and largely unwanted voice. Still, someone needs to say these things, and the truth is that social media directly replaces natural subconscious functions. Or, perhaps more accurately, it displaces subconscious operations and acts in their place. And that is very, very dangerous. Continue reading “Social Media Hijacks The Subconscious Mind”

Suffering For Righteousness Marks You As A Man

We used to talk about things that “separated the men from the boys.” And however poorly the phrase may have been used, it had a legitimate point: It’s one thing to be male, it’s quite another to be a proper man.

The same obviously applies to women: It’s one thing to be female and quite another to be a proper woman. 

But on whichever side of the biological divide you find yourself, it’s suffering for what you believe in that confirms you as legitimate, solid adult… as someone to be taken seriously. Continue reading “Suffering For Righteousness Marks You As A Man”

Podcast: The Futility And Disaster of The Magic Fix

Humanity is afflicted with a desire for a magic fix to its problems. And that desire, if it’s allowed to fester, soon enough becomes a demand for a magic fix for their problems… and particularly to problems they fixate upon. That much was obvious in the rise of Hitler, in the sale of socialism to the oppressed people of Eastern Europe, and in other disasters. But it goes even further, afflicting nearly the whole of mankind on a continuing basis.

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Podcast: The Unmentionable Freedom

Back when Western civilization still had a foothold in the public square, people paid attention to the freedom of belief, the freedom to choose a career, and the freedom to speak one’s mind. All good and necessary things, of course, but there was one freedom that they dared not mention… dared not consider. And that’s the one I’ll cover today: Political freedom… the ability to choose how we will be governed, if we wish to be governed at all.

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