Why Bitcoin Is Inherently And Massively Better Than The Status Quo

Most of its advocates will argue that Bitcoin is preferable because it’s better money. Others will note that it’s a magnificent application of decentralization, adding that decentralization is a superior model of human organization. But while both of those are true, they pale in comparison to the central reason why Bitcoin and much of what has grown from it stand above. Continue reading “Why Bitcoin Is Inherently And Massively Better Than The Status Quo”

The Weaponization of Medicine

Whether or not we can express it clearly, or even perceive it clearly, I think nearly every adult grasps that medicine is being used as a weapon. 

I am not a doctor, but I’ve been surrounded by medical professionals since my youth, beginning with my mom, who was not only an RN, but Head Nurse at two different hospitals. I’ve also been involved with science for a long time.

I’ll be brief, making just five primary points. But we’ve been losing science and we’ve been losing medicine; that is flatly unacceptable. Continue reading “The Weaponization of Medicine”

Why I No Longer Invest In Stocks And Bonds

I’ve touched upon this subject in my subscription newsletter, but I had no plans to write anything more until I got a note from a friend, mentioning a particular investment analyst and his views on investing over the next few years. I had to agree that it was brilliant analysis, but at the same time I knew that I’d never do anything about it, because I simply can’t bring myself to put money into “the markets” anymore. Continue reading “Why I No Longer Invest In Stocks And Bonds”

The Mania of 2021

(Originally published August 3, 2021.)

There are times that not only try men’s souls, but warp them.

Westerners of our generations never believed that mass manias could re-appear, but we’re living through one right now, and against my wishes I feel a need to address it; not as a victim or a participant, but as an observer. Continue reading “The Mania of 2021”

Why Bitcoiners Are Doing What Libertarians Never Could

I am not trying to insult libertarians; they’ve been right, or reasonably close to right, on most everything, and for decades on end; that’s not a trivial thing. Nonetheless, they could never get much moving in the world, while Bitcoiners, to use an old but fitting phrase, are turning the world upside-down.

I think it’s important to understand why. Continue reading “Why Bitcoiners Are Doing What Libertarians Never Could”

The Purpose And Value of Art

As far back as we can see in any detail, we find humans creating art. But art is an odd thing, in that people generally create it for internal (and thus hard-to-articulate) reasons, making clear, logical explanations difficult. Making it still harder has been an obsession with incoherent and confusing art over the past century… something that Salvador Dali once called, “the cult of strange.”

And so most of us have had a hard time coming to grips with art. What, after all, is the point of a painting that provides no coherent image? And why would people consider a signed urinal great art? (Yes, that’s a real example.)

We can begin our examination with a passage from Leo Tolstoy’s What Is Art?: Continue reading “The Purpose And Value of Art”

Revisiting Parenthood, After A Century of Socialism And Freud

We all know that parenthood has been publicly trashed over the past half century. The larger culture portrays Fathers as dolts and full-time moms as second class women. These ideas, hammered endlessly and over decades, have had their effects.

The big drivers of this abuse have been socialism and Freudian beliefs. I’ll explain below, but let’s be clear on the fact that both socialism and Freud’s “it’s your parents’ fault” can and must be thrown aside. We don’t need to keep arguing the same points, simply because dogmatists in marble buildings refuse to see reality. Continue reading “Revisiting Parenthood, After A Century of Socialism And Freud”

What Are The Judeo-Christian Principles?

It has become common to speak of Judeo-Christian principles, but that also begs the question of precisely what those principles are. And so, not long ago, I searched for a clear set of them and came up dry. I found statements of religious beliefs and I found lists of good habits that were spawned by Judeo-Christian principles, but I didn’t find the principles themselves. Continue reading “What Are The Judeo-Christian Principles?”