“Green” Means “Poor”

Those of us who aren’t mainlining TV and Facebook have a fairly clear understanding that the rulership of the West is in trouble: their debts are far beyond payable, while the global East and South are starting to pull away. Having only two primary options – system collapse or reduced standards of living – many are opting for the second. (We’ll leave war out of the discussion for today.) 

The great challenge facing rulership, then, is to make their flocks accept being poorer… to get used to being poor. And to make that happen, they’re promoting a new religion, which we can simply call Green.

A primary purpose of the Green faith is for you to welcome lower standards of living.

For example, “sustainable agriculture,” no matter how reverently it’s name is intoned, actually means “lower crop yields and fewer animals per acre.” All the rest is misdirection… “Boob bait for the Bubbas,” as an old senator used to say.

Sustainable agriculture is built around an insane posit: That bureaucrats, a thousand miles away and with zero experience, know how to use specific pieces of land better than farmers and ranchers who’ve been working them all their lives. It is, as an old saying goes, so ridiculous that only an intellectual could believe it.

Reason, careful examination and mental sobriety don’t apply to Green, of course; the entire exercise requires their elimination.

Notice also that the new style of urban planning delivers poor housing. You’ve seen it: Apartment blocks clustered around bus or train stations, running right to the curb, with stores on the bottom and small, “efficient” apartments above. Spacious homes and lovely yards have retreated into yesterday. For modern times we must cue the Soviet apparatchik voice: You will live this way and you will be happy.

Green is all about getting you to accept this, and without blaming your overlords.

So, please try to hold this in mind: If the lords of Green get their way, you will be powerless and beholden to your rulers (and their corporate associates) for almost everything.

I urge you to consider how things have worked out for people who’ve been dependent upon government over the past half-century. That is precisely where Green leads. That is where Green must lead. If it does not achieve this, the rulers of the West stand in jeopardy.

I’ll start wrapping this up with a passage from The Two Types of Religion:

As for calling Green a religion, consider that its adherents believe they are saving the world. They have heretics, in the form of “deniers,” and Satan figures such as Donald Trump. They share the dogma of “consensus” and congregations in the form of Facebook groups. The institutions they control train children in “climate issues.” They have outposts in the form of municipal planning committees. They have seminaries in the form of city planning and political science programs. The proclamations of their prophets (“climate scientists”) are revered, and their many failed prophecies are flatly ignored.

The purpose of Green is for you to drop into a mania, believing that your dogma (which only evil, hateful people could ever doubt) is more important than anything else in the world, including your own comfort and happiness.


Paul Rosenberg


3 thoughts on ““Green” Means “Poor””

  1. Green is just another form of fascism – a small group of organized criminals posing themselves as ‘government’ to rule and prey upon larger groups of productive capitalist owners and workers. It has an infinite number of forms – democracy, monarchy, aristocracy, theocracy, socialism, communism and varying combinations of these, always relying on force, fraud and bribery against the innocent for success. Usually, they posit the issue as democracy versus tyranny, never recognizing or admitting that democracy and all other forms of governments ARE tyranny over innocent productive capitalists who just want to live their lives their own way. One optimistic sign I see is that Louse Slob, aka Klaus Schwaub, head of the World Economic Forum of the rich and powerful which pushes these ideas, has resigned. The easiest solution is to abolish all governments by just refusing to pay and obey them. That brings about system collapse. I haven’t paid or obeyed for decades because all taxes and regulations everywhere are against natural law and can’t exist.

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