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  • A Catalog of Jedi Mind Tricks

    This issue takes a look at the proverbial “Jedi mind trick.” As it turns out, there are quite a lot…
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  • A Decentralized World Order, Part 1

    Thomas Jefferson once noted that "We are not to expect to be translated from despotism to liberty in a featherbed."…
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  • A Decentralized World Order, Part 2

    Thomas Jefferson once noted that “We are not to expect to be translated from despotism to liberty in a featherbed.”…
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  • A Decentralized World Order, Part 3

    Thomas Jefferson once noted that “We are not to expect to be translated from despotism to liberty in a featherbed.”…
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  • A Decentralized World Order, Part 4

    Thomas Jefferson once noted that “We are not to expect to be translated from despotism to liberty in a featherbed.”…
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  • A Decentralized World Order, Part 5

    Thomas Jefferson once noted that “We are not to expect to be translated from despotism to liberty in a featherbed.”…
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  • A New Theory of Knowledge

    In our issue, Our Theory of Knowledge Has Failed we discussed how the 20th century dogma that knowledge was a…
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  • A Practical, Positive Philosophy

    Most people, most of the time, focus on the negative things we don’t want in life, while ignoring thoughts about…
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  • A Report From Kabul

    I came to Afghanistan in March of 2007 for that best and worst of all reasons... for a friend. I…
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  • A Tale of Two Systems

    The two structures we've depicted here produce vastly different results. On the left is a system in which the nodes…
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  • A User’s Guide To The Subconscious Mind

    This issue examines precisely how we can operate significantly better, right away. That “right away” part, however, can be troublesome:…
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  • An Emergence of Consciousness

    Human consciousness, at least toward the leading edge, is pushing through ancient obstacles and is emerging in a new way,…
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  • Bacon’s Gift

    As Francis Bacon defined the scientific method, Europe remained an agricultural civilization. Things were changing in the cities, but people…
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  • Being Ruled Degrades Our Health

    As radical as it may sound, it is now beyond factual argument that being ruled degrades your health. Fearful and…
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  • Bits and Pieces

    Most of our issues have been dedicated to a single subject. This issue answers questions and covers some very interesting…
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  • Civilizational Change at The Personal Level

    Civilizational changes are very hard to understand for those who haven’t been through them. Replacing the world view of millions…
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  • Commerce: The Permanent Rebellion

    Commerce, by its very nature, is born free. And more than this, it forever fights to remain free. At almost…
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  • Cooperation Space

    In this issue we describe a new type of cooperation space... a fully peer-to-peer cooperative realm. But more than that,…
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  • Cultivating Your Inner Life

    If and when we encounter more advanced beings from other worlds, it’s highly likely that they’ll be people of advanced…
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  • Cultures that Thrived in Peace

    Warfare cultures are something that all of us know about. Not only do we study them in history books and…
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  • Darkness from the Enlightenment

    While the Enlightenment was a time when science flowered, there was also a dark side to it. In fact, many…
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  • Descartes’s Demon

    “To every thing there is a season,” wrote Solomon in Ecclesiastes; and that includes warnings. This issue is one of…
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  • Einstein And His Theories

    Neither Albert Einstein nor his theories are quite like people expect. Nor do the facts of his life match what…
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  • Escaping The Siren’s Song

    Sirens, in ancient stories, were woman-like creatures whose singing so entranced sailors that they would blindly crash their boats into…
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  • Exiting The Bronze Age

    The way we are organized, the way we cooperate, the way we judge ourselves as good or bad… all of…
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  • Forty Years Gone: A Lamentation

    It is tragic beyond measure that human exploration has been neutered since 1972. Sure, we’ve sent out a few probes…
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  • How Slavery Ended

    Slavery, among the most ancient of evils, reigned through all the ancient millennia and continued through Greece and Rome, as…
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  • How They Became Exceptional (Part 1)

    The really important thing about great people is seeing how it was they became great. This issue examines precisely how…
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  • How They Became Exceptional, Part 2

    As we noted in Part 1 of How They Became Exceptional, it's a great tragedy that so many people feel…
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  • How They Became Exceptional, Part 3

    This is our third issue (not counting the one on Einstein) on how people became exception. This issue covers a…
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  • How to Be a Genius… Even if You’re Not

    Geniuses have a trick that enables them to produce exceptional results. Super-fast brain cells are not really required – it’s…
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  • How to Be a Successful Heretic

    Most people think of heresy and heretics only within a religious context, but that’s an unnecessary limitation. It is the…
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  • How to Become Inspired

    Just about everyone wants to be inspired, and people pay eagerly to obtain inspiration. The problem is that they're paying…
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  • How to Escape the Tyranny of Fear

    Humanity has a problem with fear. We all know this from experience, though we seldom discuss it. But whether we…
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  • Judging the Present World Order

    Man may not be the measure of all things, but he is certainly a fitting measure of things that pertain…
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  • Locke’s Natural State, Redefined & Proved

    John Locke’s brilliant tool for finding the right was to turn away from the political wranglings of his day and…
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  • Observations at the Extreme

    The Nazi Holocaust meant all but nothing to me as a child (even though I had close associations with survivors),…
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  • On Human Evolution

    “Evolution” is a tremendously loaded word. The mere act of pulling it out inspires raw emotional responses. What we address…
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  • On Infrastructure And Action

    This issue was a surprise. It’s title comes from a fictional book I mentioned in The Breaking Dawn. Somehow I…
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  • Our Ascent From Primate Culture

    This issue took me by surprise. Not only was it deeply fascinating and even revelatory, but so far as I…
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  • Our Theory of Knowledge Has Failed

    Our conventional wisdom regarding knowledge and ignorance - that ignorance underlies human problems and that knowledge is the solution -…
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  • Our Unknown Ancestors

    The origin of the Western world is so poorly covered that I’ve sometimes wondered if it was being concealed on…
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  • Power Versus Subversion In America, Part 1

    The story of America is the story of subversion versus power. It began that way and it remains that way.…
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  • Power Versus Subversion In America, Part 2

    The story of America was, and remains, a story of subversion versus power. The subversives of America (and of the…
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  • Reopening Channels of Intellect

    There is a passage in the Bible’s letter to the Ephesians that has loomed over me for decades, ever since…
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  • Resolving Philosophy

    Philosophy is presently a mess, and has been for quite some time. In this issue we’ll resolve that mess, or…
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  • Rulership’s Last Stand, Part 1 – Peak Rulership: The 1950s

    The 1950s were a peak of faith in the institution. The large organization was seen as inherently superior. Economies of…
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  • Rulership’s Last Stand, Part 2 – The Crackup of the 1960s

    Every rulership portrays itself as inevitable and eternal, and yet they all come and go. As will those which currently…
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  • Rulership’s Last Stand, Part 3 – The Reordering of the 1970s

    Every rulership portrays itself as inevitable and eternal, and yet they all come and go. As will those which currently…
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  • Rulership’s Last Stand, Part 4 – The Great Waiting

    Every rulership portrays itself as inevitable and eternal, and yet they all come and go. As will those which currently…
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  • Rulership’s Last Stand, Part 5 – Predatory Breakdown

    Every rulership portrays itself as inevitable and eternal, and yet they all come and go. As will those which currently…
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  • Society’s Problem with Sex

    This issue differs from most others because it describes our problems and asks questions rather than coming to conclusions. That…
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  • Staring Down Death

    Death is certainly is major issue in human life. I had considered it when I was young, but was never…
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  • Technology and Culture

    Technology is far more than devices and specifications. In fact the scientific details, while necessary, are mere sideshows to the…
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  • The ‘Little Man’ Problem

    One of the most persistent problems of human society is what we might call the little man problem. Generation after…
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  • The Agent of Evolution

    As I’ve tried to understand what Jesus’s real mission was, I’ve settled in to a single conclusion: He was the…
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  • The Aristocracy of Violence

    Today we’ll dig into something so pervasive that we hardly notice it. And because we barely notice it, it runs…
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  • The Birth of Neo-Lockean Civilization

    We are, right here in our own place and time, witnessing the birth of a new civilization. This is occurring…
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  • The Bourgeois Coup D’ Etat

    The bourgeois coup d’etat of Florence is an almost forgotten historical moment, but it’s an important one for us, as…
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  • The Challenge of a No-Frills Christ

    Jesus provided a serious challenge to people of his time: he was simply too advanced. And so they added supplemental…
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  • The Contentment Revolution

    “Contentment”… Sounds a little dull, doesn’t it? This issue may convince you otherwise, because within this “boring” word is a…
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  • The Dark Ages Liberation

    The European “Dark Ages,” roughly the years between 500 AD and 1000 AD, is a much maligned period. Popular “knowledge”…
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  • The Death of Innovator Zero

    His name is lost to us. The only record of his existence is found in a history of inventions written…
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  • The Economics of Rulership

    As strange as it may seem, government is, and by far, the most profitable business activity on planet Earth... ever.…
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  • The Education of a Sociopath

    Sociopaths hold an inordinate amount of power and influence in the present world, and so it behooves all normal people…
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  • The Epoch of Confusion

    At some point in the distant past, good triumphed over evil in the human species. This is not to say…
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  • The Era of Fiat Currency Capitalism

    If we were to give a name to the last two generations of Western history, we’d have to call it…
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  • The European Anarchy

    Continuing from The Dark Ages Liberation, this issue examines a time that was massively better than people imagine, and for…
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  • The Fall from the Natural State

    In this issue we show precisely how organized aggression overtook men in their natural state. That is, we look back…
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  • The First City Was A Peaceful Anarchy

    We are not doomed to live forever in a world of control – of central governments telling us how we…
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  • The Forbidden History of Smuggling

    Smuggling has been one of the most common economic activities of all time. It fed the poor and provided a…
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  • The Foundations of Natural Religion

    Referring to man’s natural state has been crucial to human development over the past few centuries. One aspect of the…
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  • The Gift of the Hebrews

    The origin and development of the Hebrews is immensely instructive but almost wholly unknown. And, surprisingly enough, we have quite…
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  • The Golden Age is Here… Waiting for Us to Grasp It

    A golden age is upon us. We haven’t seen it because we’ve been looking at the wrong things and in…
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  • The Great Operating System Hack

    This issue dissects no less than a hack upon the human operating systems... a manipulation of the basic assumptions that…
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  • The Harnessing of Mankind, Part 1

    Mankind is presently harnessed by its elites more completely than ever before. And yet, the belief in authority that gave…
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  • The Harnessing of Mankind, Part 2

    Mankind is presently harnessed by its elites more completely than ever before. And yet, the belief in authority that gave…
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  • The Heaven-Hell Dipole

    This month, we’re going to tackle an image that is long overdue for critique. Its importance goes far beyond questions…
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  • The Hidden Topography of Human Cultures

    When you’re on foot in the wilderness, knowing the elevations in front of you is crucial, not only for walking,…
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  • The Institutional Suppression of Talent

    Human civilization has featured a long and difficult struggle between the individual and institutional mind… a fight that suppresses our…
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  • The Law & Its Cycle

    Modern people tend to know something of the minutia of law and of legal actions, but they generally know nothing…
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  • The Long Calendar – Entropy, Cycles & Escape

    Imagine what life would be like if the seasons were each 400 years long, instead of a few months. We…
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  • The Lost Art of Living with Intent

    This map shows just a fraction of the utopian communities created in America during its expansion westward in the 19th…
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  • The Lost Philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth

    Very few people think of Jesus of Nazareth as a philosopher. They may see him as a mystical figure or…
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  • The Mystery of Iniquity: Cultured Sociopathy

    When thinking about evil, people nearly always think of obvious, nasty villains: powerful, vicious monsters. They do this because it…
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  • The Narrowing of Capitalism

    Capitalism can be properly appreciated only in a historical context. And we’re seeing a historic change in Western capitalism just…
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  • The New Model of Self-Experience

    It’s hard to imagine something more fundamentally human than self-experience. But as it happens, we’ve been doing self-experience wrong. Not…
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  • The Other Side of Scarcity

    Scarcity on Earth has been transcended by technology... it has been overcome. Many people are still experiencing scarcity, but it's…
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  • The Other Side of the Heart

    The words “heart” or “from the heart” have, throughout my lifetime, referred almost exclusively to sympathy, pity, or guilt. This…
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  • The Phenomenon of The Fiat-Driven Welfare State

    We’v been living through a strange experiment that took me a long time to put into a proper context: The…
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  • The Phoenicians’ Commercial Civilization

    As I've read history and looked for the origins of things, again and again I've found the Phoenicians waiting for…
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  • The Post-Scarcity Society

    One of the most important challenges for us at this moment is to forge images of post-scarcity life. Until we…
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  • The Real Problem with Conspiracy Theories

    The real problem with conspiracy theories is not that they are scary – it’s that they are too comforting. The…
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  • The Rise of Christian Capitalism

    This issue explains how our Western Civilization formed and why it is a far more ethical and just civilization than…
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  • The Spiritual Instinct

    Spirituality can be difficult to discuss. Even the terms we use are terribly indistinct. Nonetheless, this instinct is not mere…
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  • The Strange Case of Mart Laar

    The highly successful East European economic model began with a history teacher, a man who freely admitted that he was…
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  • The Strangest Liberation

    Some of the things we see as weaknesses are not actually weaknesses. Seen in a different light it becomes clear…
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  • The Surprise of Natural Religion

    The great surprise of natural religion - of any life-based religion - is that it runs opposite to what most…
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  • The Systemic Abuse of the Productive Class: It Ends when We Say it Does

    The controlling group of Western Civilization, and the world in general, is the productive class: the people who produce and…
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  • The Tragic And The Transcendent

    One day, when I was eight or nine years old, I noticed something that I never entirely forgot. You may…
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  • The Truth About Democracy

    Democracy, since World War I, has been foisted upon much of the world as an idol... an object of worship.…
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  • The Tuskegee Experiment

    Imagine someone saying to you: “The US government is keeping a group of men sick with a horrible, disfiguring disease.…
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  • The Twilight of Authority

    Authority has made for a great show, but its present cycle is nearing completion, and once it is complete, the…
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  • The Two Incarnations

    Incarnation means embodied in flesh. We’re familiar with the Christian use of this word (God taking on flesh), but this…
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  • The Two Types of Religion

    This is another of those subjects which should be obvious, but have been covered little, if at all. Strange though…
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  • There Were No Cavemen

    Images of cavemen (wearing loin cloths during an ice age!) have corrupted our view of the past, burying the truth…
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  • Time For A Muscular Philosophy

    Philosophy and philosophers have long looked down at people who produce physical goods. They’ve never grasped the creativity that keeps…
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  • Transcending Idolatry

    Whatever we place above reality... whatever we place above examination... we are idolizing: placing it as a god. We've all…
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  • When The Foundations Are Being Destroyed

    This issue was released in August of 2020 and explained that we were experiencing a no-turning-back point for Western institutions.…
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  • Why Freedom Slides Backward

    We've all seen it: some person or group moves forward into liberty, then, after some time, begins sliding back to…
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  • Will And Apathy In Human Society

    If you want to predict the direction of human affairs with some accuracy, one of the first things to do…
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  • Woit’s Warriors

    Beginning in the late 1960s, something exceptional happened in Chicago. The story was reported widely in the 1970s, but always…
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